Technical Specification: U Shaped baffle
Manufacturers Specification for U Shaped Screen 100*50*100 mm (100mm Gap between two Panels) Open False Ceiling System.
Panel Details (Aluminium)
Square edge panels, 50 mm wide x 100 mm deep x length up to 2.5 mtr. With formed out of 0.7 mm thick (TCT) aluminium alloy (AA) 8011-H3 fixed on carriers. Panel shall be powder coated on external surface only.
Panel Details (Galvanized Steel)
Square edge panels, 50 mm wide x 100 mm deep x length up to 2.5 mtr. With formed out of 0.50 mm thick (TCT) galvanized steel fixed on carriers. Panel shall be powder coated on external surface only.
Carrier Details
Carrier, 24 mm wide at the bottom x 42 mm deep formed out of 0.50 mm thick galvanized steel sheet stove enameled black with protruding ears to hold the panels in a module of 150 mm.
Installation Details
The carrier shall be suspended from slab by 4 mm dial galvanized rod with special height adjustment powder coated clips made out of spring steel at maximum 1.2 to 1.5 mtr. Centre to centre. The 4mm dia galvanized rod shall be fixed to slab by forming one end “J” shape with roll inserts.
Edge Profile Detail
Edge Profile shall be L – Shaped, roll formed out of 0.5 mm galvanized strips with Coil coated / Powder Coated in standard colours.